Saturday, June 24, 2017

Santhigiri Siddha Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram

Facilities and Services available at Santhigiri Siddha Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram:

There are 6 Out- Patient Departments and 5 In -Patient Deparments are functioning in the hospital with sufficient number of clinical staff as per Central Council of Indian Medicine regulatory norms with all infrastructure and facilities.

Room for patient’s stay ranging from general ward to super deluxe with all adequate facilities

Medical serivices of well experienced Siddha doctors (academically and professionally), part time doctors from other AYUSH medical systems and modern medicine are available

Dedicated service of nursing staff and other supporting staff

Attached with well euipped Thokkanam/ Varmam theatre and Panchakarma theatre separately for male and female patients.

Availabilty of all special Siddha treatment facilties concerned with thokkanam, varmam, yoga, kayakarpam etc..

Availability of Karkitaka special treatments and rejuvenation treatments

Availability of 32 types of Siddha Puramaruthuvam (External treatment) methods

Extensive hospital pharmacy with Santhigiri products

Attached with GMP certified and QC attached Siddha drug manufacturing unit which supplies more than 300 quality and standardized Siddha medicines for hospital use.

Attached with well equipped Clinical lab and Unit for Imaging studies.

Mobile Siddha clinic and Ambulance facilities

Canteen provides highly hygeinic, palatable and nutritious vegetarian food.

Herbal garden with more than 300 medicinal plant species which provides fresh material to the hospital for treatment purposes

Availabilty of adequate facilities for communication and transporatation.

Availability of facility for getting appointment and booking room

Situated near to bus stand (22 KM), railway station (22 KM) and air port (15 KM)

Research in Siddha

Research in Siddha

The research activities like literary research, pharmacological and clinical research, toxicity studies, epidemiological research, drug standardization, documentation and digitization of ancient literature are coordinated and conducted by the research institutions functioning under Central Council for Research in Siddha, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India and other private research organizations.

Siddha institutions

Siddha institutions

There are nine Siddha colleges are functioning in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Santhigiri Siddha Medical College is the only Siddha institution functioning in Kerala under renowned Santhigiri Ashram, which is approved by Central Council of Indian Medicine and affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur. In Tamil Nadu two colleges are run by Govt of Tamil Nadu and one by Govt of India. Other five colleges in Tamil Nadu are self financing colleges. All Siddha colleges in Tamil Nadu are affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Chennai. B.S.M.S is the UG degree and M.D (Siddha) is the PG degree offered by the universities in Siddha field.

Area of great scope in Siddha

Area of great scope in Siddha

Though Siddha offers remedy to the diseases (4448 diseases) ranging from ordinary fever to cancer, it is noteworthy to point out the area of scope, where Siddha medical system always dominates. They are 1. Rheumatic disorders  2. Nervous disorders  3. Spine disorders  4. Skin ailments  5. Infertility  6. Lifestyle disorders  7. Cancer  8. Ano rectal disorders  9. Auto immune disorders  10. Gynaecological disorders  11. Gereatric conditions  12. Viral fevers